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Uzbek Woman Arrested at India-Nepal Border for Visa Violation

On Tuesday, an Uzbek woman named Dilbar Rakhimova was detained by immigration officials in Sonauli, India, while trying to enter the country from Nepal without a valid visa. Sonauli is a border town between India and Nepal, and is a major transit point for people traveling between the two countries.

Rakhimova was taken into custody during a routine inspection by immigration officials. It was found that she did not have a valid visa to enter India. A case has been filed against her, and the Intelligence Bureau has been informed.

The reason why Rakhimova was trying to enter India without a visa is not known. It is possible that she was trying to avoid paying the visa fee, or that she was planning to stay in India illegally. The Intelligence Bureau is investigating the matter to determine her motives.

This incident is a reminder of the importance of obtaining a valid visa before traveling to another country. It is also a reminder that immigration officials are always on the lookout for people who are trying to enter a country illegally.

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