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Lots of Indian care workers moved to the UK last year, and many of them brought their families. I believe it’s important for families to stay together and that everyone should have the same chance to be with their loved ones.

The idea that Indian care workers can bring their families has been a big reason why so many of them are taking care of elderly people in the UK. There are more Indian care workers than those from Nigeria or Zimbabwe.

There are lots of job openings for care workers in England, but it’s been hard to find people to fill these jobs, especially since Brexit. The pay isn’t very high either.

Even with these challenges, there’s a growing need for care services because more people in the UK are getting older. So it’s important to make it easier for people to come and work as care workers.

While the government has been making it easier for care workers to come to the UK, there are now plans to make it harder for some care workers to bring their families. This could make it harder for Indian workers to come to the UK, and it could also make it harder for the UK to find enough care workers.

As the UK gets ready for its next election, some people are saying they want less immigration. But it’s important for politicians to think about how their decisions might affect people and the healthcare system.

UK visa rules, Care worker recruitment, Harder recruitment, UK care workers, Visa challenges, Care worker visas

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