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Telangana Man Arrested for Fake Visa in Mumbai

The news is about a 40-year-old man named Rajanna Emmadi from Telangana who was arrested at Mumbai International Airport for possessing a fake German visa. He was detained by immigration officials and then handed over to the Sahar police. The incident occurred when Emmadi tried to travel to Muscat but was stopped by immigration officers who noticed that his German visa lacked certain security features, raising suspicions about its authenticity.

Upon closer inspection, it was discovered that there were at least seven discrepancies in the Schengen visa, indicating that it was indeed counterfeit. This news highlights the vigilance of immigration authorities in detecting fraudulent documents and preventing individuals from traveling using fake visas.

Telangana Man Arrested, Fake Visa Mumbai, Arrested for Visa Fraud, Telangana Resident Mumbai, Visa Scam Arrest

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