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Rwanda has announced that all Africans can now travel to the country without needing a visa. This change is part of a bigger effort across the continent to make it easier for people to move around. Rwanda is joining a few other African nations that have already removed travel restrictions for Africans. Kenya is also planning to do the same soon.

President Paul Kagame talked about how important it is for Africa to attract more tourists from within the continent. Right now, most of the tourists come from outside Africa. The African Union launched a special passport in 2016 to help Africans move more freely, but so far, it’s mostly been given to officials.

The African Union is also working on a big plan to create a single market across the continent, which they hope will help the African economy grow. This plan, called the African Continental Free Trade Area, could be worth a staggering $3.4 trillion.

Rwanda visa-free travel, African border opening, Rwanda visa policy, African travel news, African visa-free access

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