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28 Pakistani Hindus Held at Wagah Border for Overstaying Visa

A group of 28 Pakistani Hindus were held at the Wagah border on Thursday after they were found to have overstayed their visas in India. The group, which included eight women and 11 children, had been living near a temple near the Attari integrated check post (ICP).

The group had initially arrived in India on a 25-day visa in May 2023 for a pilgrimage to Jodhpur, Rajasthan. However, they traveled to several other locations in India, including Amritsar, Delhi, and Haridwar, without informing the local police in Jodhpur.

As a result, immigration authorities in India have restricted their departure from the country. A source within the Punjab Police said that the immigration authorities have communicated the matter to the Rajasthan Police and are awaiting clearance.

Tekam Das, the leader of the Hindu jatha (pilgrimage group), said that the group had stayed only in Jodhpur and were unaware of the need to inform the local police. He said that their family members in Pakistan are awaiting their return and urged the Indian government to permit their journey back.

The case highlights the importance of informing the local police about your travel plans when you are in India on a visa. If you fail to do so, you may be held at the border and prevented from leaving the country.

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