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Diplomatic Official Visa (India)

Issuance of Diplomatic/Official Visas to foreign diplomats/officials and their dependent family members

For diplomats and officials visiting India, a new online system has been implemented since February 2015 to streamline the process of issuing diplomatic and official visas.

Foreigners holding diplomatic, official, or service passports must now submit their visa applications online through the designated website (indianfrro.gov.in/mea). Physical visa application forms are no longer accepted. Once the visa is granted, a notification will be sent via email or SMS.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the CPV division of the Ministry of External Affairs has replaced visa stickers with e-FRRO Visa [Online Visa] since May 2020. The e-FRRO Visa will be sent to the applicant via email, eliminating the need for a physical visa sticker to be pasted on the passport.

Through the online portal, various services are provided, including:

  • Extension of diplomatic/official visas
  • Conversion to diplomatic/official visas
  • Transfer of diplomatic/official Visa

It is recommended to submit your visa application at least 3 weeks prior to the expiration of your current visa or visa-free period.

We strongly recommend that applicants submit their visa applications at least 3 weeks before their visa or visa-free period expires.

Please note that the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) does not provide services to holders of ordinary passports. Ordinary passport holders should contact the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or Foreigners Registration Office (FRO) for assistance.

For any queries, suggestions, problems, or urgent matters regarding the issuance of diplomatic/official visas, please contact:

Shri Roshan Lepcha
Deputy Secretary (VO),
CPV Division
Ministry of External Affairs
New Delhi
Phone: 011-23386630

Appellate authority
Shri Devesh Uttam
Joint Secretary
CPV Division
Ministry of External Affairs
Phone: 011-23387104
Fax: 011-23782821

For more information visit: https://www.mea.gov.in/diplomatic-official-visa-menu.htm