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In the world of global jobs, New Zealand is making it easier to get a temporary work visa. The Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) is a new and important part of this process, replacing the old Essential Skills work visa. This blog will break down the AEWV, looking at why it matters, how to apply, and what it means for both employers and foreign workers.

The AEWV in a Nutshell:

The Accredited Employer Work Visa is like the captain of New Zealand’s temporary work visas. It’s all about giving priority to New Zealanders for jobs while also helping companies hire skilled foreign workers in areas where there aren’t enough Kiwis. It’s not just about making it easy for companies to hire โ€“ it’s also a rule that only accredited firms can hire migrant workers, protecting them from exploitation.

Application Process:

If you want to get the AEWV, start by applying online through Immigration Online. Here’s a simple checklist of what you’ll need:

Personal Documents:

  • Your passport
  • Passport-sized photos
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate (if you have one)

Educational Qualifications:

  • Copies of your academic certificates
  • Transcripts from your school or university

Work Experience:

  • A detailed resume or CV
  • Letters of recommendation from your past employers

Health and Character:

  • Results from a medical checkup
  • A police clearance certificate

Before your application gets reviewed by an immigration officer, there will be checks on your health, character, and criminal record. This is to make sure that everyone coming to work is qualified and follows the rules.

Replaced Essential Skills Work Visa:

The AEWV took over from the Essential Skills work visa, which used to check employers when a migrant applied for a visa. Since it started on October 24, 2023, Immigration New Zealand has given the green light to 92,342 AEWV applications, and 29,549 employers have gotten accredited.

Accreditation Process:

For the AEWV, employers have a big role. They need accreditation from the New Zealand Immigration Department before they can invite foreign workers to apply for the visa. This means they might need to promote the job and get a Job Check. The accreditation process usually takes more than 10 days to make sure everything is checked properly.

Post-Accreditation Checks:

A cool thing about the AEWV is that it does checks even after the accreditation process. Around 15% of all checks are random or targeted, making sure that accredited employers, franchisees, and other businesses follow the rules. This helps keep things fair and in line with AEWV standards.

Job Change Application Process:

The AEWV gives you options if things change. If you have the visa and want to change your job, employer, or location, you can apply for a Job Change. This gives you more certainty, especially if you lose your job.


The Accredited Employer Work Visa shows that New Zealand is serious about making sure the temporary work visa system is fair and works well. By giving priority to New Zealanders, making it easier to apply, and doing checks even after accreditation, the AEWV helps both employers and foreign workers. It’s a step towards a future where temporary workers in New Zealand are not just skilled but also protected.

Please visit our website www.visaliv.com for more details, where you will find answers to all of your visa and immigration-related questions.

VisaLiv Team

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