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New Zealand Changes Visa Rules, Affecting Indian Workers

New Zealand has updated its visa rules because too many people moved there last year, which wasn’t sustainable. One big change is that now, you need to be good at English to get a work visa from an employer. Also, if your job isn’t highly skilled, you can only stay for three years instead of five.

The government wants to get more skilled workers, especially in areas like teaching where they need more people. They want to make sure New Zealanders get job opportunities first if there are enough skilled workers in the country.

Because so many people came to New Zealand last year (a record 173,000!), the government is making these changes. They’ve also given out fewer visas from July to October compared to last year.

They’ve also stopped giving as many study visas to Indian students, and they’ve put a pause on adding certain jobs to the list of jobs they need more people for.

These visa changes are part of a bigger plan to manage how many people come to New Zealand, get skilled workers, make sure there’s enough money, and reduce risks. But some worry these changes might make rents and housing prices go up and cause inflation, which the government is trying to figure out.

NZ Visa Changes, Indian Worker Impact, Immigration Rules Update, Work Visa Modifications, NZ Employment Policies

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