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The Malaysian government has agreed to extend the visa-free stay duration for passport-holders from Hong Kong, in a move aimed at strengthening ties between the two regions. Hong Kong citizens will now be able to stay in Malaysia for up to 90 days without a visa, compared to the previous 30-day limit. This reciprocal gesture follows Malaysia’s desire to foster closer relations with Southeast Asian nations, aligning with efforts by Hong Kong’s Chief Executive to build connections within the region.

  1. Extended Visa-Free Stay: The Malaysian government has accepted the request from the Hong Kong government to extend the visa-free stay period for Hong Kong passport-holders. This extension allows them to stay in Malaysia for up to 90 days without the need for a visa, a significant increase from the previous 30-day allowance.
  2. Source of Information: Individuals familiar with the matter have revealed the decision to extend the visa-free stay. Due to the sensitive nature of the information, they chose to remain anonymous. The official announcement regarding this extension is expected to be made on Thursday.
  3. Reciprocal Arrangement: This extension can be seen as a reciprocal arrangement, as Malaysians currently enjoy a 90-day visa-free stay in Hong Kong. The move promotes mutual benefits and closer ties between the two regions.
  4. Request and Diplomatic Interaction: Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, John Lee, played a role in initiating the request for the extended visa-free stay for Hong Kongers in Malaysia. Lee’s engagement with the Malaysian government signifies his efforts to build stronger connections with Southeast Asian nations. He is currently on a week-long tour of the region, seeking investment opportunities and support for Hong Kong’s bid to join the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), a trade agreement formed under China’s leadership.
  5. Regional Economic Ties: By granting this visa extension, Malaysia is positioning itself as a partner in the Chief Executive’s efforts to strengthen ties within Southeast Asia. The move is a strategic way for both Hong Kong and Malaysia to demonstrate their commitment to regional economic cooperation and integration.
  6. Background and Diplomatic Strategy: In recent years, Hong Kong has focused on enhancing its international financial center’s reputation and building diplomatic connections with countries that do not overtly criticize its internal affairs, especially regarding pro-democracy activism. This shift in strategy is partly in response to concerns raised in Western capitals following the implementation of a Beijing-imposed national security law in Hong Kong in 2020.

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