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Kenya is thinking about letting people from other African countries, including Nigeria, visit without a visa. This would be a big change because right now, some countries have stopped giving Nigerians visas on arrival, which makes it hard for them to travel.

Kenyan President William Ruto has said that he wants to get rid of the need for visas for all Africans by the end of the year. He says that having visa restrictions between African countries is hurting the continent.

The African Union (AU) has wanted visa-free travel across Africa for ten years, but it has been slow going. Right now, only Seychelles, The Gambia, and Benin let all Africans in without a visa.

A report by the BBC says that most African countries are making it easier for people from other African countries to visit by simplifying entry processes and getting rid of restrictions.

Kenya Visa-Free Travel, Visa-Free Travel for Africans, Kenya Considers Policy Change, Africa Visa Exemption, Travel Policy Review in Kenya

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