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Israel is introducing a user-friendly electronic visa (E-visa) system, simplifying travel for tourists. Visitors from countries requiring visas can apply online, receiving their visas via email, eliminating the need to visit the Israeli embassy.

All necessary documents can be submitted online, and once approved, the e-visa will be directly emailed to the applicant. While most cases can be handled online, some may require a visit to the Israeli embassy for additional review or documents.

Eyal Siso, Director General of the Population and Immigration Authority, lauded this initiative as a “real revolution,” providing tourists the convenience of handling visa applications from home.

The E-visa system not only benefits tourists but also holds potential for Israel’s tourism industry by streamlining the visa process, making Israel an even more appealing destination for international travelers.

Israel Tourist Visa, Online Visa System, Simplified Travel, Israel Tourism, Visa Application Ease

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