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Iraqi Kurdistan Suspends Visas for Syrians

The Kurdistan Region of Iraq has stopped giving entry visas to Syrians, raising worries about its impact on people’s lives. This change is a big departure from how the region used to welcome Syrians looking for safety or work.

The visa halt follows orders from Iraq’s federal government in Baghdad and is part of a bigger plan to manage foreign workers in Iraq. It comes after they already stopped giving work visas to Syrians two months ago, making it harder for them to come to Kurdistan, where many want to find jobs and safety.

Some see this as a way to control illegal immigration and foreign workers, but others, like activist Aso Hawramani, say it’s harsh. They point out how Syrians, especially those needing medical help and protection, are now facing tough times, feeling desperate and vulnerable.

Iraqi Kurdistan Visas, Kurdistan Suspends Visas, Iraq-Syria Visa Suspension, Kurdish Visa Restrictions, Syria Travel Ban

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