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Iran has made a significant decision to eliminate visa requirements for Indian travelers, according to an official announcement from Tehran. This means that Indians can now travel to Iran without the need for a visa. India is among 32 countries, including Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Japan, and the UAE, that have been included in this visa-exemption initiative.

The move, reported by the Iranian News Agency (IRNA), is a strategic effort to boost tourism in Iran by making it more accessible to visitors from these countries. By removing visa barriers, Iran aims to attract a higher number of tourists, fostering cultural exchange and economic opportunities.

It’s worth noting that India’s inclusion in this list aligns with a broader trend, as other nations like Malaysia and Sri Lanka have also recently taken steps to waive visa requirements, signaling a global effort to enhance tourism and facilitate increased trade relations between countries. This shift is indicative of a collaborative approach among nations to promote openness and strengthen diplomatic ties through simplified travel procedures.

Iran visa-free travel, Indian travelers update, Visa requirements lifted, Travel to Iran without visa, Iran travel news for Indians

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