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India’s passport ranking fell from 84th to 85th in the 2024 Henley Passport Index. Surprisingly, even though more countries (62 in total) allow visa-free travel for Indian passport holders, the ranking declined.

France takes the top spot in the 2024 Henley Passport Index, allowing its passport holders visa-free access to 194 nations.

Other top countries include Germany, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Spain. Pakistan holds its 106th position, while Bangladesh slipped from 101st to 102nd.

Despite recent announcements of visa-free entry for Indian tourists by Iran, Malaysia, and Thailand, India’s ranking has dropped. However, Maldives, India’s neighbor, maintains a strong 58th position, offering visa-free travel to 96 countries for its passport holders.

The Henley Passport Index compiles data for the past 19 years, relying on the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) specialized data, covering 199 passports and 227 worldwide travel destinations.

India Passport Ranking, Passport Index, Global Passport Ranking, France Tops List, Passport Strength

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