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In a firm response, India has expressed its strong disapproval of China’s decision to issue stapled visas to some sportspersons from the state of Arunachal Pradesh. The issuance of these stapled visas has been deemed “unacceptable” by India, and the country has asserted its right to react appropriately to such actions.

The External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson, Arindam Bagchi, stated that India has already lodged a formal protest with the Chinese authorities regarding this matter. It came to light that some Indian citizens from Arunachal Pradesh, who were set to represent India in an international sporting event in China, were given stapled visas instead of regular ones.

Addressing the issue at a media briefing, Mr. Bagchi reiterated India’s consistent stance on the matter. The country firmly believes that there should be no discrimination or differential treatment based on domicile or ethnicity in the visa process for Indian citizens holding valid Indian passports.

The act of issuing stapled visas is a matter of concern for India, as it perceives it as a disregard for the established norms of visa issuance and a violation of the principle of equal treatment for all Indian citizens. India’s forceful response emphasizes its commitment to safeguarding the rights and dignity of its citizens, including those from Arunachal Pradesh.

This incident has the potential to strain the bilateral relations between India and China further. The two countries have had historical tensions and territorial disputes, and actions such as the issuance of stapled visas only add to the complexity of the relationship.

India’s stern reaction sends a clear message to China that it will not tolerate any discriminatory practices and will assert its rights when it comes to issues concerning its citizens. The situation remains under close scrutiny as the diplomatic standoff unfolds.

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