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H-1B Visa Changes Less Applications Because of New Rules

The US changed the rules for H-1B visas, expecting fewer applications โ€“ about 350,000 for next year (2025), which is less than half of last year. They did this to stop cheating.

You could apply for an H-1B visa from March 6 to March 22 this year, matching the US government’s year from October 1 to September 30.

In 2022, Indians got 77% of the approved H-1B visas, with 3.20 lakh applications approved. The US made these changes to stop people from applying multiple times, causing trouble last year with over 400,000 duplicates out of nearly 759,000 registrations.

Now, instead of picking people based on how many times their boss registers them, the US will choose based on the person. Even if a person is registered by many bosses, they’ll only be entered into the “lottery” once.

If someone gets picked, all the bosses who registered that person can apply for an H-1B visa for them. This helps people with lots of job offers pick the best one for them.

H-1B Visa Changes, Fewer Applications, New Rules Impact, US Immigration Update, H-1B Visa Modifications

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