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Germany is considering the implementation of special visa programs to allow individuals from outside the European Union (EU) to join its military, known as the Bundeswehr. This proposal, presented by German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius, highlights the country’s dedication to bolster its military strength by recruiting an additional 20,000 troops, particularly in response to perceived threats from Russia.

In Germany, the law typically restricts military service in the Bundeswehr to citizens. However, the proposal suggests that exceptions could be made for foreigners in certain special cases. Pistorius stressed the importance of this initiative in addressing security concerns and ensuring the preparedness of the military to face potential challenges. The move reflects Germany’s strategic approach to enhancing its defense capabilities by considering the enlistment of foreign nationals.

Germany Special Army Visas, Foreigners in German Military, Military Service Visas, Germany Defense Immigration, Army Recruitment for Foreigners

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