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Verify Foreign Visa/Permit/CDCs

Check the validity of foreign visas, permits, and CDCs (Continuous Discharge Certificates) using country-specific links. These links will help you verify the authenticity and status of these important documents.

Country-specific links for checking foreign visa/permits/CDCs *

Sr. No. Name of the Country Link for checking the Visa/CDC/Permits Remarks
1 Bahrain http://www.lmra.bh To check Employment/ Work visa and Dependent family issued to the family members of an expatriate by Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA)
2 Belize http://www.immarbe.com/
3 Dubai http://www.ednrd.ae/
4 Liberian http://www.liscr.com
5 Nepal http://www.dofe.gov.np/new/ To check Foreign Employment Permit
6 Panama http://www.amp.gob.pa
7 Qatar http://www.moi.gov.qa/

* MEA does not assume responsibility for the integrity of the contents on these foreign Government websites.