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Farmers in Western Australia are worried about changes to visa rules that could make it harder for them to hire seasonal workers.

The current rules allow backpackers to extend their working holiday visa by working in regional areas for 88 days. But a review of Australia’s migration system has recommended that this be scrapped. The review also recommended that Pacific Islander workers be guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours of work per week under the PALM scheme.

Farmers are worried that these changes will make it harder for them to find workers, especially during peak seasons. They say that the backpacker program is a vital source of labor for the agricultural sector, and that the PALM scheme is also important for filling labor shortages in remote areas.

The federal government has not yet made a decision on the review’s recommendations. But farmers are urging the government to keep the current rules in place, or to find other ways to address the exploitation of backpackers.

Here are some additional details about the proposed changes:

  • The working holiday-maker visa would be limited to one year, with no option to extend it by working in regional areas.
  • Pacific Islander workers under the PALM scheme would be guaranteed a minimum of 30 hours of work per week.

The farmers’ concerns are understandable. The agricultural sector is a major employer in Western Australia, and it relies heavily on seasonal workers. The proposed changes could make it harder for farmers to find the workers they need, which could lead to labor shortages and higher prices for food.

The federal government needs to carefully consider the impact of these proposed changes before making a decision. It is important to balance the need to protect backpackers from exploitation with the need to ensure that farmers have access to the labor they need.

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