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Popular Ways to Immigrate to Austria from India: Detailed guide on immigration options from India to Austria.


Austria, with its picturesque landscapes, rich culture, and robust economy, has become an increasingly attractive destination for Indians seeking to immigrate abroad. Whether it’s for work, family reunification, or pursuing academic and research opportunities, Austria offers various pathways for Indians to make this beautiful European country their new home. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the most popular ways to immigrate to Austria from India.

Red-White-Red Card Plus:

The Red-White-Red Card Plus is a program in Austria that offers a pathway to permanent residence for skilled workers with specific qualifications and skills that are in demand in the country. Individuals who have been working and residing in Austria on a Red-White-Red Card can apply for permanent residence through this program. The eligibility criteria for the Red-White-Red Card Plus are based on various factors, including:

  • Very Highly Qualified Workers: Individuals with exceptional qualifications and expertise in their field.
  • Skilled Workers in Shortage Occupations: Workers with skills and qualifications in professions facing shortages in Austria.
  • Other Key Workers: Workers in key sectors that are crucial for the country’s economy and development.
  • Graduates of Austrian Universities and Colleges of Higher Education: Graduates who have completed their education in Austrian universities and colleges.
  • Regular Workers in Tourism, Agriculture, and Forestry: Workers in the tourism, agriculture, and forestry sectors.
  • Self-employed Key Workers: Self-employed individuals who are key contributors to the Austrian economy.
  • Start-up Founders: Entrepreneurs and founders of start-up ventures in Austria.


  • Hold a valid Red-White-Red Card and have been working and residing in Austria.
  • Possess specific qualifications and skills that are in demand in Austria.
  • Demonstrate sufficient financial means to support oneself and any dependents.
  • Show integration into Austrian society.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Valid Red-White-Red Card and copies.
  • Proof of specific qualifications and skills (educational certificates, work experience, etc.).
  • Employment contract or offer of employment in Austria.
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, employment contract, etc.).
  • Evidence of integration efforts (language certificates, community involvement, etc.).

Application Process:

  • Collect all required documents.
  • Complete the application form.
  • Submit the application and documents to the competent Austrian authority or the local immigration office.
  • Pay the applicable processing fee.
  • Attend an interview if required.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Red-White-Red Card Plus and instructions for the next steps towards permanent residence.

    2. EU Blue Card:

    The EU Blue Card is a work permit category in Austria that allows highly skilled non-European Union (EU) citizens to work and live in the country. It aims to attract professionals with high qualifications and specific expertise. Eligibility for the EU Blue Card requires applicants to have a higher education degree or extensive professional experience, along with a job offer in Austria that meets certain salary and employment conditions. Holding an EU Blue Card can lead to permanent residence in Austria after fulfilling specific requirements.


  • Hold a higher education degree or have extensive professional experience.
  • Have a job offer in Austria that meets minimum salary and employment conditions.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Educational certificates or proof of professional experience.
  • Valid job offer in Austria and copies.
  • Employment contract or letter of intent from the employer.
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, payslips, etc.).
  • Health insurance coverage.

Application Process:

  • Gather all necessary documents.
  • Complete the EU Blue Card application form.
  • Submit the application and documents to the appropriate Austrian consulate or embassy in your home country or to the competent Austrian authority in Austria.
  • Pay the required application fee.
  • Attend an interview if requested.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the EU Blue Card, which allows you to work and live in Austria.

3. Family Reunification:

Family Reunification is a pathway for family members of Austrian citizens or permanent residents to obtain permanent residence in Austria. Eligible family members include spouses, children, parents, and dependent relatives. Applicants must meet specific requirements and provide evidence of their family relationship. Successful applicants are granted a residence permit that allows them to join their family member in Austria and eventually obtain permanent residence.


  • Be a family member of an Austrian citizen or permanent resident.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Proof of family relationship (marriage certificate, birth certificate, etc.).
  • Proof of the family member’s Austrian citizenship or permanent residence.
  • Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself and any dependents.

Application Process:

  • Obtain the necessary application form for family reunification.
  • Gather all required documents.
  • Submit the application and supporting documents to the competent Austrian embassy, consulate, or immigration office.
  • Pay the applicable processing fee.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive a residence permit that allows you to join your family member in Austria.

4. Long-Term Resident – EU:

The Long-Term Resident – EU status is available to individuals who have legally resided in Austria as long-term residents for a certain period. To qualify, individuals must have held a valid residence permit for at least five years. Applicants need to demonstrate stable and sufficient resources, comprehensive sickness insurance, and integration into Austrian society. Successful applicants are granted the status of a long-term resident EU, which provides them with permanent residence rights in Austria.


  • Legally resided in Austria with a valid residence permit for at least five years.
  • Demonstrate stable and sufficient resources, comprehensive sickness insurance, and integration into Austrian society.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Proof of five years of legal residence in Austria (previous residence permits, registration certificates, etc.).
  • Evidence of stable and sufficient resources (bank statements, employment contracts, etc.).
  • Comprehensive sickness insurance.
  • Proof of integration efforts (language certificates, community involvement, etc.).

Application Process:

  • Obtain the application form for Long-Term Resident – EU status.
  • Prepare all necessary documents.
  • Submit the application and required documents to the competent Austrian immigration authority.
  • Pay the relevant application fee.
  • Attend an interview if requested.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Long-Term Resident – EU status, granting you permanent residence rights in Austria.

5. Settlement Permit – Gainful Employment:

The Settlement Permit – Gainful Employment is for individuals who have been legally employed in Austria for a certain period and wish to obtain permanent residence. The required duration of employment may vary based on factors such as the labor market situation and the applicant’s qualifications. Applicants must demonstrate sufficient financial means, health insurance coverage, and integration into Austrian society. Successful applicants are granted a settlement permit, allowing them to settle permanently and work in Austria.

  • Have legally worked in Austria for a certain period.
  • Demonstrate sufficient financial means, health insurance coverage, and integration into Austrian society.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Proof of employment in Austria for the required period (employment contracts, payslips, etc.).
  • Evidence of sufficient funds (bank statements, employment contract, etc.).
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Proof of integration efforts (language certificates, community involvement, etc.).

Application Process:

  • Obtain the application form for the Settlement Permit – Gainful Employment.
  • Gather all necessary documents.
  • Submit the application and supporting documents to the competent Austrian immigration authority or the local immigration office.
  • Pay the applicable processing fee.
  • Attend an interview if required.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Settlement Permit – Gainful Employment, allowing you to settle permanently and work in Austria.

6. Settlement Permit – Self-Employed:

The Settlement Permit – Self-Employed is for individuals who have been self-employed in Austria for a certain period and wish to obtain permanent residence. Applicants must demonstrate that their self-employment has been successful, contributes to the Austrian economy, and meets specific legal and economic requirements. They must also show sufficient financial means, have health insurance coverage, and have integrated into Austrian society. Successful applicants are granted a settlement permit, allowing them to settle permanently and continue their self-employment activities in Austria.


  • Have been self-employed in Austria for a certain period.
  • Demonstrate successful self-employment, contribution to the Austrian economy, and meet legal and economic requirements.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Proof of self-employment in Austria for the required period (business registration documents, tax returns, etc.).
  • Evidence of successful self-employment and contribution to the Austrian economy.
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, financial statements, etc.).
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Proof of integration efforts (language certificates, community involvement, etc.).

Application Process:

  • Obtain the application form for the Settlement Permit – Self-Employed.
  • Prepare all necessary documents.
  • Submit the application and required documents to the competent Austrian immigration authority.
  • Pay the relevant application fee.
  • Attend an interview if requested.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Settlement Permit – Self-Employed, allowing you to settle permanently and continue your self-employment activities in Austria.

7. Settlement Permit – Researcher or Scientist:

The Settlement Permit – Researcher or Scientist is for individuals engaged in scientific research or academic activities in Austria. Applicants must have an invitation from a recognized research institution or university in Austria and demonstrate their qualifications and contributions to the field. They must provide evidence of sufficient financial means, health insurance coverage, and integration efforts. Successful applicants are granted a settlement permit, allowing them to settle permanently in Austria and continue their research or academic work.


  • Have an invitation from a recognized research institution or university in Austria.
  • Demonstrate qualifications and contributions to the field.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Invitation letter from a recognized research institution or university in Austria.
  • Academic qualifications and research achievements.
  • Proof of sufficient funds (bank statements, scholarship letter, etc.).
  • Health insurance coverage.
  • Proof of integration efforts (language certificates, community involvement, etc.).

Application Process:

  • Obtain the application form for the Settlement Permit – Researcher or Scientist.
  • Gather all necessary documents.
  • Submit the application and supporting documents to the competent Austrian immigration authority or the local immigration office.
  • Pay the applicable processing fee.
  • Attend an interview if required.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Settlement Permit – Researcher or Scientist, allowing you to settle permanently and continue your research or academic work in Austria.

8. Settlement Permit – Special Cases:

The Settlement Permit – Special Cases category is for individuals with exceptional circumstances that warrant consideration for permanent residence in Austria. This category covers various situations, such as humanitarian reasons, significant contributions to Austria, or other special circumstances. Each case is evaluated individually, and applicants must provide substantial evidence to support their request for permanent residence. The specific requirements and documentation needed may vary depending on the circumstances of the case. Successful applicants are granted a settlement permit, allowing them to settle permanently in Austria based on their unique circumstances.


  • Present exceptional circumstances that warrant consideration for permanent residence.

Document Checklist:

  • Valid passport and copies of all pages.
  • Comprehensive evidence supporting the exceptional circumstances (e.g., humanitarian reasons, significant contributions to Austria).
  • Any additional documents required by the authorities based on the specific case.

Application Process:

  • Obtain the application form for the Settlement Permit – Special Cases.
  • Prepare all necessary documents, which may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case.
  • Submit the application and required documents to the competent Austrian immigration authority.
  • Pay the relevant application fee.
  • Attend an interview if requested.
  • Wait for the decision on your application.
  • If approved, receive the Settlement Permit – Special Cases, allowing you to settle permanently in Austria based on your unique circumstances.


Austria presents a wealth of opportunities and a high quality of life for Indian immigrants seeking to build their future in Europe. From skilled workers to family members and researchers, there are multiple pathways to explore for those interested in immigrating to Austria. With the right preparation and determination, Indians can find their way to call this enchanting country their new home. However, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest immigration policies and guidelines, as they may evolve over time. For the most accurate and current information, aspiring immigrants are advised to consult official Austrian government websites or seek advice from qualified immigration consultants.

Embrace the chance to explore Austria’s unique charm, and take your first steps towards making your dreams of living in this captivating country a reality!

Please visit our website www.visaliv.com for more details, where you will find answers to all of your visa and immigration-related questions.


VisaLiv Team

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