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Europe Makes It Easier for Indian Professionals to Work

Europe has simplified its rules to help Indian professionals work in the EU. This change aims to fill job gaps and encourage legal migration. The EU Parliament supports updates to the Single Permit system, allowing foreign workers, including Indians, to live and work across EU countries more easily. These updates are awaiting final approval.

Changes to the Single Permit System:

  1. Faster Application Process: The EU now processes Single Permit applications in 90 days instead of 120, with a possible 30-day extension for complex cases. Foreigners with valid residence permits can apply without going back home.
  2. Job Flexibility: Single Permit holders can switch jobs and sectors easily through a simplified process by their employer.
  3. Extra Time for Job Search: Unemployed Single Permit holders get three extra months to find new jobs before losing their permits.
  4. Longer Permits: Single Permits can now last over two years, with a six-month grace period for job searches. Extensions are also available for past victims of exploitation.

Europe, Indian professionals, Work opportunities, Migration policy, Employment easeTop of Form

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