I am applying From

and Iā€™m going to

Visa Free/Visa on Arrival

Discover the countries that offer visa-free entry or visa-on-arrival facilities for Indian nationals holding ordinary passports. Explore the list of foreign countries that welcome Indian travellers without needing a visa or provide visa-on-arrival options for a hassle-free travel experience.

Foreign Countries which allow:

e-Visa Facility Visa free Facility Visa on Arrival Facility
Sr.No. Country Sr.No. Country Sr.No. Country
1 Armenia 1 Barbados 1 Angola
2 Azerbaijan 2 Bhutan 2 Bolivia
3 Bahrain 3 Dominica 3 Cabo Verde
4 Barbados 4 Grenada 4 Cambodia
5 Benin 5 Haiti 5 Cameroon Union Republic
6 Cambodia 6 Hong Kong SAR 6 Cook Islands
7 Colombia 7 Maldives 7 Djibouti
8 Cot D’Ivoire 8 Mauritius 8 Ethiopia
9 Djibouti 9 Montserrat 9 Fiji
10 Ethiopia 10 Nepal 10 Guinea Bissau
11 Georgia 11 Niue Island 11 Indonesia
12 Guinea 12 Saint Vincent & the Grenadines 12 Iran
13 Kazakhstan 13 Samoa 13 Jamaica
14 Kenya 14 Senegal 14 Jordan
15 Kyrgyzstan Republic 15 Serbia (till 1st January 2023) 15 Kenya
16 Lesotho 16 Suriname 16 Kiribati
17 Malaysia 17 Trinidad & Tobago 17 Laos
18 Moldova 18 Madagascar
19 Myanmar 19 Mauritania
20 New Zealand 20 Mongolia
21 Papua New Guinea 21 Myanmar
22 Russian Federation (specific areas of Far eastern federal District,Kaliningrad, Leningrad regions and StPetersburg Regions of Russian Federation) 22 Nigeria
23 Saint Lucia 23 Niue Island
24 Saint Vincent and Grenadines 24 Qatar
25 Singapore 25 Republic of Marshall Islands
26 South Korea 26 Reunion Island
27 Sri Lanka 27 Rwanda
28 Taiwan 28 Saint Kitts & Nevis
29 Tajikistan 29 Saint Lucia
30 Tanzania 30 Samoa
31 Thailand 31 Senegal
32 Uganda 32 Seychelles
33 Uzbekistan 33 Somalia
34 Vietnam 34 Sri Lanka
35 Zambia 35 Suriname
36 Tajikistan
37 Tanzania
38 Thailand
39 Tunisia
40 Tuvalu
41 Vanuatu
42 Vietnam
43 Zimbabwe