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Gujarat’s CID is cracking down on a big visa scam! They formed a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to uncover a network making fake documents and visas. Recent raids in major cities exposed this criminal operation, and the SIT, led by Superintendent Sanjay Kherat, is on the case statewide.

Their target? Visa consultants creating fake degrees for visas to the US, Canada, Europe, and Australia. Raids at 17 locations led to seizing important evidence like documents and computers. Key suspects, Kishan Patel and Prem Parmar, face charges for forgery, cybercrime, conspiracy, and fraud.

Superintendent Kherat is determined to expose the full racket and bring every wrongdoer to justice. This action sends a strong message that exploiting people for visas won’t be allowed. The SIT’s formation is a big step in stopping this fake visa business and giving hope to those who got caught up in the deceit.

Fake visa network, Gujarat visa crackdown, Special Investigation Team (SIT), Visa fraud in India, Visa scam news Gujarat

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