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China has requested that Japan allow visa-free entry to Chinese citizens, and that Japan and China implement a mutual visa exemption system. This would allow citizens of both countries to travel to the other country without a visa, which would simplify travel between the two countries.

The request was made by Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao to a group of visiting Japanese businesspeople this week. Some of the Japanese business people in the group complained about the difficulty of getting visas to travel to the mainland, and Wang responded by saying that China had proposed a mutual visa exemption system to Japan.

It is not clear whether Japan will agree to China’s request. Japan has previously been reluctant to allow visa-free entry to Chinese citizens, due to concerns about illegal immigration and terrorism. However, the economic benefits of visa-free travel could be significant, and Japan may be more willing to consider the request in light of these benefits.

Here are some of the potential benefits of visa-free travel between China and Japan:

  • Increased tourism: Visa-free travel would make it easier for Chinese tourists to visit Japan, and vice versa. This would boost tourism in both countries and generate economic benefits.
  • Increased trade: Visa-free travel would make it easier for business people to travel between China and Japan, which would promote trade between the two countries.
  • Improved relations: Visa-free travel could help to improve relations between China and Japan. It would show that the two countries are willing to cooperate and build closer ties.

Of course, there are also some potential risks associated with visa-free travel between China and Japan. These risks include:

  • Increased illegal immigration: Visa-free travel could make it easier for Chinese nationals to immigrate illegally to Japan.
  • Increased terrorism: Visa-free travel could make it easier for terrorists to travel to Japan.
  • Increased crime: Visa-free travel could make it easier for criminals to travel to Japan.

It is important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of visa-free travel before making a decision. If Japan decides to allow visa-free entry to Chinese citizens, it will need to take steps to mitigate the risks, such as increasing border security and intelligence gathering.

Overall, the request by China for visa-free entry to Japanese citizens is a significant development. It has the potential to boost tourism, trade, and relations between the two countries. However, there are also some potential risks associated with visa-free travel, and it is important to weigh these carefully before making a decision.

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