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China has once again issued ‘stapled visas’ to three sportspersons from Arunachal Pradesh, a northeastern frontier state of India, in an attempt to assert its territorial claim over the region. The issuance of these ‘stapled visas’ has raised concerns and sparked tensions between the two countries. To understand the significance and implications of these ‘stapled visas,’ let’s delve into the details.

What is a ‘Stapled Visa’?

Typically, when a government grants a visa to a foreigner to visit its territory, the visa is pasted on one of the pages of the foreigner’s passport. However, in the case of ‘stapled visas’ issued by China, the visa is not pasted but attached with a pin or staple on the passport page. This unconventional method of visa issuance has been employed by China for certain citizens of India residing in specific regions, namely Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir.

Why is China Issuing ‘Stapled Visas’?

China’s issuance of ‘stapled visas’ to people from Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir serves a strategic purpose. By using this approach, China avoids officially recognizing the individuals as citizens of India. The Government of India issues passports to its citizens, and if China were to issue regular visas pasted on the Indian passport pages, it would imply recognition of the traveler as an Indian citizen, even if they hail from the disputed regions.

This move by China is seen as an attempt to assert its territorial claims over these contested regions. By refusing to recognize the Indian citizenship of individuals from these areas, China is attempting to assert its own sovereignty and territorial control.

India’s Response to ‘Stapled Visas’

India has been strongly opposing China’s practice of issuing ‘stapled visas’ to its citizens. New Delhi views this move as an infringement on its sovereignty and territorial integrity. It considers Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh, and Jammu and Kashmir as integral parts of its territory, and any attempt by China to question or undermine this status is met with firm resistance.

The issuance of ‘stapled visas’ has been a recurring point of tension in India-China relations. The Indian government has consistently protested against this practice and has sought to raise awareness about the issue at international forums. India maintains that it will not accept any attempts by China to challenge its sovereignty over these regions.

In conclusion, the issuance of ‘stapled visas’ by China to citizens of India from specific regions is a diplomatic maneuver aimed at asserting territorial claims. It is a sensitive issue that has added complexity to the bilateral relations between the two countries, and India remains steadfast in safeguarding its sovereignty and asserting its claim over these disputed territories.

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