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A significant number of visa refusals for African students applying to study in Canada are attributed to incomplete applications, reaching refusal rates as high as 75%. Stakeholders suggest involving immigration lawyers to ensure accurate form filling and provide proper guidance to students. Quacks have taken advantage, charging high fees for poorly filled documentation. Companies using immigration lawyers or qualified recruitment firms can offer better support.

Individual institutions’ visa success rates vary, indicating the need for an optimal plan for recruiting African students. Measures to improve success rates include written explanations for study gaps, market-specific confirmation deadlines, and interviews to verify document authenticity. The use of AI technology aims to simplify applications.

Despite the challenges, a recent report shows positive trends, with African countries recording significant growth in Canadian study permits. Guinea, Ghana, and Nepal lead the way with impressive growth rates. Although changes are expected due to recent international student caps in Canada, a significant number of African applicants were approved in the 2023 intake semesters.

Canada Visa, African Students, Visa Refusals, Immigration Challenges, Student Visa Process

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