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here is an explanation in detail of the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), how much you can get, the 2023 payment schedule, and how newcomers to Canada can apply:

  • What is the Canada Child Benefit?

The Canada Child Benefit (CCB) is a monthly payment made to eligible families with children under the age of 18. The amount of the CCB you receive depends on your family’s income and the number of children you have.

  • How much can I get?

The maximum monthly CCB payment for a family with one child is * \$675* in 2023. The maximum monthly CCB payment for a family with two children is * \$1,285*, and the maximum monthly CCB payment for a family with three or more children is \$2,000.

  • When do I get paid?

The Canada Child Benefit is paid out monthly, on the 20th of each month.

  • How do newcomers to Canada apply for the Canada Child Benefit?

Newcomers to Canada who are eligible for the CCB can apply for the benefit online or by mail.

  • To apply online:
    1. Go to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website.
    2. Click on “Apply for the Canada Child Benefit.”
    3. Create an account and follow the instructions.
  • To apply by mail:
    1. Download the Canada Child Benefit application form from the CRA website.
    2. Complete the application form and mail it to the CRA address provided on the form.

Here are some of the eligibility requirements for the Canada Child Benefit:

  • You must be a Canadian resident.
  • Your child must be under the age of 18.
  • Your child must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  • You must have a valid Social Insurance Number (SIN).
  • You must file your taxes on time.

If you are a newcomer to Canada and you are eligible for the Canada Child Benefit, you should apply for the benefit as soon as possible. You can find more information about the Canada Child Benefit on the Government of Canada website.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind about the Canada Child Benefit:

  • The CCB is a taxable benefit. This means that you will need to report the amount of the CCB you receive on your income tax return.
  • The CCB is not affected by your employment status. This means that you can still receive the CCB even if you are unemployed or on maternity leave.
  • The CCB is not affected by your child’s income. This means that your child can earn money and still be eligible for the CCB.

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