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Azerbaijan Announces Visa-Free Plan for Chinese Citizens

Azerbaijan has introduced a visa-on-arrival policy for Chinese citizens, allowing them to obtain visas upon arrival in the country. This development comes alongside the launch of direct flights between Beijing and Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan.

In an interview with CGTN’s Wang Guan, Hikmat Hajiyev, who serves as the assistant to the president of Azerbaijan, unveiled the country’s plan to establish a visa-free system specifically for Chinese citizens. Emphasizing the historical ties between Azerbaijan and China, as well as the growing connections between their people, Hajiyev extended a warm invitation to Chinese travelers.

The purpose of this initiative is to encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Azerbaijan, showcasing the cultural, historical, and scenic attractions of the country. Hajiyev’s interview highlights the reasons why Chinese citizens should consider visiting Azerbaijan, promoting tourism and fostering closer ties between the two nations.

Azerbaijan Visa-Free Plan, Chinese Citizens, Travel Agreement, Visa Exemption, Tourist PolicyTop of Form

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