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A Russian guy, Sergey Ochigava, came to the US in Los Angeles on November 4th without any travel papers. No passport, no visa, and not even a ticket! This made the FBI confused.

To add to the puzzle, officials couldn’t find his name on the list of people on any flight from Copenhagen, where he was supposed to leave from. Ochigava said different things during questioning, first saying he left his passport on the plane.

He didn’t stop thereโ€”Ochigava did strange things like walking around the plane, changing seats a lot, and making funny requests during mealtime, asking for two meals and trying to grab chocolate from the crew’s snack stash.

His journey without a passport has raised lots of questions, and investigators are still trying to figure out how Ochigava managed to come to the US without any papers. What a head-scratcher.

Russian Man, US Flight, Mystery Runway, Documentless Travel, Passportless Entry

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