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Pakistan is investigating 39 people who used fake visas to enter the European Union. The people pretended to be lawyers and used fake letters to get visas.

The people used the fake letters to get Schengen visas, which allow them to travel to many countries in the EU. The people are believed to have entered the EU in June 2022.

It is not clear where the people are now, but most of them are thought to still be in the EU. The Pakistan government has asked for a quick investigation and for the people who used the fake letters to be punished.

The people who used the fake letters could have extended their stay in the EU illegally. The Austrian authorities are not sure if they know about the problem or if the people are still in Austria.

This is one of many cases of people from outside the EU entering the EU illegally. Earlier this month, a group of Moroccans were arrested for using fake Schengen visas to enter the EU.

Pakistanis illegal entry EU, EU investigates Pakistani immigrants, Illegal EU entry by Pakistanis, Pakistanis under EU entry probe, EU probes 39 Pakistani entries

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